A global, comprehensive study by the World Economic Forum pitched Gen Zers as being 27% of the workforce by 2025. The Gen Zers, along with Millennials, are the generations leading the Great Resignation, leaving their jobs in droves for something better and in-line with their post-pandemic lifestyle. This transient Z-generation is the first to have never known life without the internet, which is always leading them to their next best gig.
World Views
For this Baby Boomer, the top five, Gen Zers’ employment concerns is a mixed bag of “carry-it-on- our-sleeve” emotions:
- Cost of Living @ 29%
- Climate Change @ 24%
- Unemployment @ 20%
- Mental Health @ 19%
- Sexual Harassment @ 17% (Deloitte Global Survey 2022)
I understand the Z-Generation’s “Cost of Living” and “Unemployment” concerns being they witnessed, first hand, the Great Recession and a Global Pandemic. Their entire teenage and adult lives have been upended by uncertainty and rising costs.
It’s Mental
I even, to a much lesser degree, understand the Mental Health concern because of world events they have watched play out. Being interconnected, Zers should keep such thoughts amongst friends and out of the workplace. A prime example, confidentiality is virtually impossible with Gen Zers because most of these young 20-Somethings believe Snapchat is a private platform, until the app makes their mental health take a nose dive, as their network learns of their personal interactions.
One third of Generation Z find it challenging to cope with stress at work with 82% saying it is important to have mental health days. This is a driving reason why more than 75% of Gen Zers say they are looking for a new job, double the rate of other age brackets. Being the 1st tech connected generation does have its mental fitness shortcomings.
The Climate
In addition, Global climate-change views do not always translate into Midwest ideals. I do understand the global warming premise but leaving your job because your employer’s “climate change” views are different than your’ view, shouldn’t be an employee concern. Outside of purposely polluting the environment, I don’t see the point, unless you are bringing a class action suit. Due diligence, before applying for the job, may prevent any climate-activist changes that you would suggest. In Ohio, these views will surely guarantee an exit door be opened for you, sometime soon.
The Billion Dollar Question
The billion dollar question is, “What does Generation Z expect from their employer?” Most research points to Gen Z wanting personalized experiences built on consumer-grade technology. The days of “Turn your phone off at work” are over. It has become necessary to have Smart Phones to add a Punch to a geo-tracking time clock, in fact, 87% of businesses rely on employee smart phones to access company apps (techjury.net). Most companies use internal, email servers to stay connected and 75% of their workforce use a smart phone to retrieve those emails.
A well rounded, benefits package may alleviate the anxiety of Gen Zers and give them the employer support they crave. Employers should incorporate their benefit & wellness plans as a part of the on-boarding process. Before orientation even begins, 45% of this hyper focused generation expect detailed information be sent to them about their new job. As we have blogged on before, Health and Financial Wellness programs will go a long way to appease the up-close and personal, Generation Z.
Side Note: The perfect, first job for a Gen Zer… Assistant Machine Operator jobs for a Green Planet manufacturer with a great employee Wellness Program.