The Interview Pregame

Interview PregameOnce you have an employer’s attention with your résumé, it is time to sell yourself in The Interview. Your (single page) résumé has had it’s 30 seconds of fame and you now have 2 minutes to make a good impression. With the pressure on, you allow all that you have learned about communication with others to come into play and you get the job. Wait, it’s never that easy.

Let’s back up to your Interview Pregame first. Do your homework, get to know everything, online and off, about your prospective employer. Look for the company’s past achievements, accolades, and landmark days that have occurred. Give yourself ammunition for starting a conversation during the      interview process which will boost your confidence. I much prefer leaving nothing to chance.

Never, ever depend on Google Maps or MapQuest to route & time your drive to The Interview. You will inevitably show up late and at that point you may as well go home. Being on-time means knowing where you are going before hand. If you have never been to the location before, visit the site a day early. I much  prefer leaving nothing to chance.

Never, ever look like you just rolled out of bed when you get to The Interview, hygiene should be an Every-Day-of-Your-Life habit. Regardless of the job you are interviewing for, you should dress as if the interview is for the CEO’s  position. Your Sunday Best is always appropriate because dressing well will give you an edge over most candidates. I much prefer leaving nothing to chance.

Now, you have arrived on time to The Interview and are ZZ Top’s Sharp Dressed Man (or Woman), and you have just two minutes to make a first impression. Always offer up your best smile, which should be in-part attributed to your use of Crest and Scope before you left home. Follow that smile with a great (firm) handshake and a “Hi, nice to meet you”. Gentlemen, that handshake shouldn’t leave them with thoughts of the emergency room and X-rays for broken bones. And Ladies, leave the tea-party, wimpy handshakes at home too. If nervous and you have the dreaded Sweaty Palms , please wash your hands or just wipe them on your pants. A Sweaty Palm displays nervousness and a lack of confidence. Bottom line, your handshake should be quick, firm and forgettable. I much prefer to leave nothing to chance.

During The Interview you need to do a little evaluating of your own. Try to  gauge the mood of the recruiter, are they coming across in a fun and relaxed posture or do they just mean business? Every recruiter has different objectives to achieve, one may be getting you comfortable to see  if you will say too much; try not to volunteer unnecessary information. Any negative comments are a no-no and never, ever bad mouth your old employer. You can have fun but an interview is a formal occasion. I much prefer to leave nothing to chance.

The interview process can be intimidating but if you are well informed and     prepared, you will be amazed at the confidence you will demonstrate.  Confidence will give you an edge over the majority of candidates and increase your odds of scoring a goal. Take a look at our “Best Foot Forward Interview Tips” because I much prefer to leave nothing to chance.

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